The Grouse Grind
THE GROUSE GRIND- ALLISTON PHYSIOTHERAPY by R_Shea | Sep 26, 2022 | Blog This past moth I had the opportunity to fly out to Vancouver and attend an advanced bracing course courtesy of Ossur Canada. Ossur is a leader in innovation in the orthopaedic bracing world (not to mention prosthetics) and certainly one of my favourite products to recommend to my patients. Their selection of custom braces for those dealing with knee and/or hip osteoarthritis are unmatched, not to mention great ligamentous stability braces and some fantastic off the shelf items. The course did an exceptional job of building on our already existing knowledge and truly allow us to call ourselves experts in the field of bracing. I want to thank Ossur for this opportunity. naturopath I was last in Vancouver 10yrs ago to complete my training in GunnIMS. At that time, I was here to successfully complete my training, while also taking the opportunity to enjoy (more than) a few drinks with some colleagues. After some significant lifestyle choices in the past few years, this time around I wanted to continue my training for the upcoming Marathon of Hope, while taking in some of the beautiful sights that Vancouver has to offer (and enjoy some of the renowned local cuisine). Monday was a “rest day” in my running schedule, so I decided to tackle the “Grouse Grind” which is a well-known hike in the Vancouver region. The Grind is an approximately 2km hike which reaches a maximum elevation of over 1200m. People of all ages take the challenge and make their way up the mountain. I began my ascent at 8:30am and since it was my rest day, I had decided that I was just going to take it easy. It did not take me long to realize that I really don’t have a “low gear” and found myself making the hike at a reasonably fast pace. Though I didn’t pause for pictures, I did take some time to enjoy the massive trees and small water falls on the way, while marveling at the work that it must have taken to complete the stairs, rails, and other restraints on the trail. In the end, I ended up working up a good sweat and completed the grind in 47mins. The real reward, however, is the view from the top (not to mention the skyride down). Upon completion of the grind, I made my way to the Capilano Suspension Bridge and the trails surrounding it (including the Cliff Walk). Once again, I was able to take in some breath-taking scenery while learning more about the region. One interesting fact was that First Nations call the Western Red Cedar the “tree of life” due to its many practical uses. In the end, I am happy to have remained active while in Vancouver (this time around) and to have been able to enjoy the many outdoor activities that are offered in the area. If you have any training goals that you would like to meet or have an injury that is preventing you from enjoying activities such as the Grouse Grind or would like to discuss how bracing might help you, get in touch with us at South Simcoe Physiotherapy and we will happily help!